CAIP App & GP Practice Similarities Model

Empowering PCNs Using Public Data

Paul Johnson


🧪 Principal Data Scientist - Population Health Analytics

⚕️💊 NHS South, Central and West CSU (SCW)

📈 Previously a Political Scientist at University of Houston, Texas

The Problem

Public Data is “Available” but Not “Accessible”

Capacity and Access Payment (CAP)

  • PCNs can qualify for a Capacity and Access Improvement Payment if they can demonstrate improvement (or high achievement) in three areas:

    • Patient experience
    • Ease of access
    • Accuracy of appointment records
  • They must undertake “trend analysis” of GP Patient Survey (GPPS) data over the last five years to qualify

  • Some PCNs are struggling to do this, for several reasons

Access to GPPS & FFT Data

  • GP Patient Survey and Friends & Family Test (FFT) data is publicly available but difficult to work with
  • This makes it difficult (and time-consuming) for PCNs to access the data, let alone analyse it
  • Wrangling Excel spreadsheets can be painful - this is a problem across the entire NHS!

Limited Analytics Capabilities

  • Not all PCNs have the capabilities to carry out the required analysis, especially given the difficulty accessing the data
  • This is especially the case if they do not have their own data analysts
  • They may be missing out on vital funding
  • How do PCNs make best use of what is available?

The Solution

PCN Capacity & Access Improvement Payment (CAIP) App

Making the Data & Analysis Accessible

  • We created an app that makes it easier for PCNs to access the GPPS & FFT data
  • The app includes visualisations of trends, with simple, user-friendly customisation
  • This significantly reduces the effort required to turn this very useful but inaccessible data into real value for PCNs


Visualising GPPS Data

Visualising FFT Data

Enabling PCNs Beyond the App

  • The app itself is a useful snapshot of national, regional, ICB, PCN, and GP practice performance, but making this data as valuable as possible involves enabling PCNs to use it outside the app too

  • Everything shown to the user is downloadable, and the data is formatted such that it should significantly reduce PCN workloads

  • Everything is open-source - an increasing priority in the NHS (Goldacre and Morley 2022)

GP Practice Similarities Model

Addressing the CAIP App’s Limitations

Analysis Without Comparison

  • The CAIP app is a good start, but it lacks meaningful comparisons
  • How do you know a GP practice is performing well (or not) without comparing against other GP practices?
  • Comparing against national averages, or other GP practices in the local area, is limited at best

Comparisons Using Public Data

  • We sought to make comparisons between practices based on factors that were likely to impact their performance and the challenges they face:
  • Patients:
    • Proportion Male/Female
    • Age Group Proportions
    • Approx Mean Age
  • Staff:
    • Total Staff & Breakdowns
    • Staff/Patient Ratios
  • Socioeconomic Factors:
    • Rural-Urban Classification (RUC)
    • Deprivation (IMD)
  • While some of the features were engineered, all of the data is publicly available

Clustering GP Practices

  • Using K-Means clustering, we were able to group GP practices into three clusters:
    • Urban - High Deprivation
    • Urban - Mid to Low Deprivation
    • Rural
  • Evaluation metrics & validation against GPPS data suggest these are distinct, separable clusters
  • Clusters are also consistent with existing academic research (Booth et al. 2021)

Next Steps

Extending the Capability of the App & Model

Incorporating Clusters into the CAIP App

  • We will enhance the CAIP app using the GP Practice Similarities Model:
    • Visualising GP practice performance with comparisons against the average performance of their cluster
    • Identifying the \(n\) most similar practices using distances within clusters
    • Detailing what the clusters mean and how they can better illustrate practice performance

Extending/Improving the Model

  • The model is in the relative early stages of development - it can definitely be improved in future iterations
  • There is a lot of public data that we are not making full use of, whether it be as features in the model or for validation purposes
    • We plan to explore the use of QOF data and ONS Area Classifications data
  • There are a wide range of potential use cases in Population Health Analytics and across SCW

Expanding Access to GPPS & FFT Data

  • Public data should be easier for analysts to access
  • We plan to build an API to make access to the GPPS & FFT data easier
  • It will follow tidy data principles, to ensure it is immediately valuable to analysts
  • In the future, we would like to build R and Python packages for accessing the API

Thank You!


SCW Data Science:


Booth, Frederick G, Raymond R Bond, Maurice D Mulvenna, Brian Cleland, Kieran McGlade, Debbie Rankin, Jonathan Wallace, and Michaela Black. 2021. “Discovering and Comparing Types of General Practitioner Practices Using Geolocational Features and Prescribing Behaviours by Means of k-Means Clustering.” Scientific Reports 11 (1): 18289.
Goldacre, Ben, and Jessica Morley. 2022. “Better, Broader, Safer: Using Health Data for Research and Analysis.” Department of Health; Social Care.